Payment methods
Accepted payment methods
You have the following payment options for domestic and international deliveries:
Which payment methods do you accept?
debit and credit card,
bank transfer (prepayment),
All prices and figures are in EUR. Further information can be found in the shipping guidelines.
Please note that the payment methods direct debit, credit card and purchase on account can only be selected if you do not have a PayPal account.
Security of your payment
Secure Sockets Layer (128-bit SSL security) uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the most secure shopping experience. SSL technology enables the encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information, including passwords and MasterCard numbers, during your online transactions. All forms on our website are secured with SSL technology so that your personal information remains safe and does not fall into malicious hands.
PCI compliant
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for organizations that process Mastercard and revolving credit information. The standard, defined by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, was created to increase controls around Mastercard data and reduce Mastercard fraud through its disclosure.
Your payment information
Your card number is not accessible to us. When your purchase is complete, we can only see your billing information, shipping information, order details and therefore the last 4 digits of your card.
This secure mode is activated when you start your order. You can check this by looking for a closed lock icon at the bottom or top of your web browser. When you access a secure server, the site address in your browser will display “HTTPS”.
We don’t like anyone giving away our personal information, and neither do you. That’s why we don’t rent, sell or share your personal information with others.
Our Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected and how your personal information may be used at all.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service:
Coffee World
Nördliche Bergstraße 58
D-69469 Weinheim
Telephone number: +496201-873540